Imperial College London

Laboratory of Biomechanics &Â Signalling
We specialise in understanding the principles of mechanotransduction active in shaping the cardiovascular system by using advanced imaging techniques. Focused on the zebrafish, we are interested in the investigation of normal and pathological mechanisms with special emphasis on the function and morphogenesis of the cardiac valve and blood vessels. Combining expertise in biology, physics, microscopy, and informatics we develop optical imaging, manipulation, and image analysis tools to understand how mechanical stimuli shape our cardiovascular system. We strive in using this information to build cardiac structure from scratch and to improve regenerating capability of our cardiovascular system.
Current Areas of Curiosity

Thank you for your interest in our research. Get in touch with us for any questions or comments.
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ
+44 (0)20 7594 8820
Present & Past